the photographer
„ ... the buildings speak and act no less than the people who live in them.“ (lewis mumford: the city)
concentrated observations of urban and landscape spaces and situations are my thing, architectural photography in a broader sense - „narrative documentarism“™. preferably in the form of free work, with or without a commission, that is: my own!
for decades i have photographed colour negatives of 13x18 and even 20x25cm, for the digitalisation of which i use my drum scanner as well as digital repro technology. today i photograph digitally with 100mp. both allow high-quality prints in almost any size. prints of all photographic works on this website can be made in all presentation forms in museum quality. e.g. beautiful and durable pigment print on paper made of 100% alpha-cellulose or cotton according to the formula: long + short side in cm x 3 = €. and for good photographs of your architecture, art, industry etc. or for digitalisation projects contact me and we will find the right solution together!
ralph hinterkeuser
foto (at) hinterkeuser (dot) de
diplom-designer | DGPh
post to: unterstrasse 6 - 06343 mansfeld
landline: 034779-290003
fuldastrasse 23 - 12045 berlin
if you find an error here or something doesn't work: please report it!
and try the F11-key on your pc, it makes my page look even better ;-)
(by the way: I COULD also use capital letters, but I find it more aesthetic without ;-)